Mindful Living


Mindful living is the art of living life with awareness to have more joy and less suffering.  Living mindfully will help one being in touch with present moments more deeply, to be there for oneself and the people around them, and to make the most out of present moments.  This is the art of living with the concept “the past is gone, the future is not here yet, and the most powerful moment is the present moment” and “Actions from present moments build the future.”


Suffering is a normal experience of life. We list tools here to help accept the reality of life and in that process the suffering can decrease. There are many such tools and many ways to practice these skills.



Sometimes the way to move and change requires some specialized work. We can work together individually, as a couple or as a group. Contact me to set up a 4 sessions per month plan: Chi Gung, Meditation Practices, Mindful Living Practices at work and at home, specific life issues and personal concerns, Buddhist practices and teachings, Dharma and Sangha development.




Last Updated: Tuesday April 19, 2005